by Jacob Schwartz
- ‘Hunger Games’ reenactment includes catered Mexican food
- Paper football finally becomes varsity sport
- Environment club proposes decrease in students
- Student’s wildest dreams come true at arena scheduling
- Newton Police busts slumber-party for excessive pillow-fighting
- Honors film student admits love for ‘Spongebob Squarepants Movie’
- Local astronomer mistakes streetlight for approaching meteor
- Editorial: Freshman’s clothes like totally clash
- Student is poet, she did not even realize this fact
- Trigonometry teacher forgets to switch calculator to radians for two months
- Nurse’s office decides cough drops are universal cure
- After failing to turn in library book on time, student’s life thrown in gutter
- Clever joke advances freshman to honors courses
- Senior angered that ‘quality time with the gf’ doesn’t count as extra-curricular
- Student splits atom in Innovation Lab, told to clean up mess
- Alumnus declares mural of himself ‘best mural ever’
- Editorial: People shower too much