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The Student News Site of Newton North High School

The Newtonite

The Newtonite

The Newtonite

Behind the scenes: cast members put hours of work into Nitrous Oxide

Behind the scenes: cast members put hours of work into Nitrous Oxide

Jacob Zalis March 10, 2020

Outlets for expression are found aplenty in TheatreInk, but there is nothing to be found in the school quite like Nitrous Oxide. While Playwright’s Festival gives the opportunity to write an original...

Behind the scenes of Theatre Ink: Set Design

Behind the scenes of Theatre Ink: Set Design

Zoe Goldstein November 2, 2017

What may slip under a casual viewer’s perception of a theatrical production is set design, encompassing everything from backdrop to color scheme—the literal nuts and bolts of the show. Yet, according...

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