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The Newtonite

Newton Teachers Association protests lack of kindergarten aides in classrooms

Newton Teachers Association protests lack of kindergarten aides in classrooms

Maddie Ngo, News Editor November 18, 2024

Newton Teachers Association (NTA) members gathered at the Newton Education Center Monday, Oct. 21, during a Newton School Committee meeting to protest the district’s decision not to hire aids for kindergarten...

Beals House Executive Assistant Cheryl Stover hands out treats to welcome students back to school following the end of the union strike Monday, Feb. 5.

Students, educators rebuild community after teachers strike

Savannah Bond and Emma Xiao February 23, 2024

After a 15-day union strike, Newton Public Schools (NPS) students and educators re-entered the building on Feb. 5, working to rebuild the community following a settled contract between the Newton School...

Members of Lost and Found gather for group photo on opening night prior to the strike, Thursday, Jan. 18.

Theatre Ink productions rescheduled following teachers’ strike

Eric Lam and William Yanhs, Arts editors February 16, 2024

Still feeling the fallout of the recent Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike, Chicago, Nitrous Oxide, and Lost and Found are facing rescheduled show dates and altered rehearsal schedules.  According...

North track previous victory from last years meet, Jan. 22 2023.

Teacher’s strike causes boys’ indoor track to forfeit 27-year win streak

Surya Thavanti, Sports editor February 5, 2024

Due to the now-concluded teacher’s strike, boys’ indoor track was forced to forfeit their impressive 27-year win streak Wednesday, Jan. 31.  The scheduled meet for that day was set against Brookline....

South teacher Ryan Normandin delivers a speech announcing the end of the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike, Friday, Feb. 2.

Teachers strike ends after 15 days, contract agreement reached

Leah Ziskin, Arts managing editor February 2, 2024

Today, Friday, Feb. 2, the strike led by the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) has officially ended as the union and Newton School Committee’s bargaining teams reached a contract agreement on the fifteenth...

Teachers rally at the Education Center on their fifteenth day of strike Friday, Feb. 2.

Teacher contract resolution nearly reached after nightlong bargaining

Kerri Huang, News managing editor February 2, 2024

After bargaining through the night, the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) and the Newton School Committee are “extremely close” to settling a contract, according to an email sent out by the committee...

Juniors Jordan Ronell and Nehir Topaloglu prepare for their upcoming trip to Guadeloupe in an exchange meeting Thursday, Jan. 11.

Foreign exchange program departures set to proceed on schedule amid teacher strike

Emily Nie, News editor February 2, 2024

North's foreign exchange programs are proceeding as planned despite the ongoing Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike. Students are scheduled to depart for Guadeloupe tonight, Friday, Feb. 2, and Italy...

Union members rally at the Education Center, holding up signs and chanting, to protest for a fair contract Thursday, Feb. 1.

Teacher strike reaches two full weeks as contract negotiations continue to progress

Emma Xiao, Aanya Vishwanath, Kerri Huang, and Maddie Ngo February 1, 2024

As the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike extends into its fourteenth day Thursday, Feb. 1, resulting in the tenth consecutive day of canceled school, negotiations remain in progress between the...

Union members gather outside the Education Center in protest for a fair contract Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Newton parent files lawsuit against NTA amid prolonged strike

As the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike continues and students have gone nine school days without receiving teacher instruction, a Newton parent filed a lawsuit Monday, Jan. 29 against the NTA...

Union members and supporters hold up a sign condemning Mayor Ruthanne Fuller at the NTA rally Wednesday, Jan. 31.

Guest Column: Students should stand strong in solidarity with striking teachers

Clio Mcaneny, Guest Column January 31, 2024

Amid the echoing chants of "Enough is enough," Newton's dedicated teachers rally for the thirteenth consecutive day outside City Hall to voice their right to a fair contract. Friday, Jan. 19 marked a shift...

Union members gather at City Hall to rally for a fair contract Tuesday, Jan. 30.

Committee anticipates new union proposal on thirteenth day of strike

Kerri Huang, News managing editor January 31, 2024

Members of the Newton School Committee are awaiting a new proposal from the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) which is expected to be given today, Jan. 31, the thirteenth day of the union strike.  In...

NTA members rally at City Hall on the eleventh day of strike Monday, Jan. 30.

Union educators face pay uncertainty as teacher strike continues

Izzy Chapman, News editor January 30, 2024

Despite not working for the last eight school days due to the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) strike, union educators are slated to receive their biweekly paycheck tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 31.  According...

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