- Junior Kristian Sumner realizes that she won a used car through the redraw of the Keys to Success Key Off.
by Samantha Libraty
Yesterday, junior Kristian Sumner won a used car during the redraw of the Key Off through the Honda Village Automotive Group’s Keys to Success program at this school, according to Honda Village representative Jade Giacoppo.
During the original Key Off, junior Vanessa Battista won the used car. However, since not all finalists were in attendance, the Key Off was redrawn. Battista will receive compensation, but Sumner will receive the Honda used car.
Sumner said, “It is was awesome. For a second, I thought that I was colorblind because I only saw the red on my key, which meant that I won.”
Giacoppo said, “It went well today, and it went pretty quickly.
“I was told that Kristian is very deserving, works hard and goes above and beyond what is asked of her,” she said.
Fifty finalists, who were randomly chosen from all of the nominated students throughout the year, were given keys with colors on them. The person with the red key won the used car. The winner could also choose instead to receive $5,000 in scholarship money.
The Keys to Success program began this year and will continue next year, according to principal Jennifer Price. Keys to Success is an ongoing incentive program created by Honda Village Automotive Group. Teachers nominate students for doing an unexpected good deed or achieving academically. Nominated students choose prizes, including gift certificates and restaurant certificates.
Giacoppo said, “The program is great for kids to see that doing good deeds can and will be recognized. Hopefully it will motivate the kids who don’t get a chance to be recognized to excel and do something good.”