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The Student News Site of Newton North High School

The Newtonite

The Newtonite

The Newtonite

Administration reflects on new block schedule after four years

Administration reflects on new block schedule after four years

Eric Lam, Features editor November 12, 2024

Not long ago, the daily schedule that North students all know too well used to look quite different. The Class of 2024 was the first to utilize our current schedule and feel its effects fully in person...

AI prompts change to academic violation policy

AI prompts change to academic violation policy

Kerri Huang, Features editor September 8, 2023

Essays can now be written in seconds. Poems, songs, and playscripts can be produced after entering a few keywords. Lesson plans and articles can be generated on a whim. ChatGPT’s seemingly endless capabilities...

Finals set to take a new approach this year

Eric Lam, News editor April 26, 2023

With finals on the horizon, North students can start to anticipate a restructured format this June with new schedules, new content, and new grading systems. The new finals schedule will be composed of...

Gruenbaum diminishes holocaust stigma through storytelling

Gruenbaum diminishes holocaust stigma through storytelling

Michal Zatlin, News editor February 19, 2023

Students had the opportunity to hear what childhood was like within Nazi concentration camps from holocaust survivor Michael Gruenbaum, who spoke about his experiences as a Jewish man during World War...

Fisher promotes unity, activism in Holocaust Remembrance Day webinar

Fisher promotes unity, activism in Holocaust Remembrance Day webinar

Sophia Heyer March 3, 2022

Despite feeling overwhelmed or insignificant, students have the ability to make a difference in the world to promote kindness, according to Holocaust survivor and Newton resident, Dr. Hans Fisher, who...

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