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The Newtonite

Photo by Samantha Fredberg.

Moment of silence remembering 9/11 prompts reflection across North community

Sophia Zhou September 12, 2017

In honor of September 11, history teacher Jonathan Bassett briefly explained the events of 9/11 and their significance before leading a school wide moment of silence at the start of C-block yesterday....

Interim principal Mark Aronson speaks to students in the SOA before the moment of silence. Photo by Josh Shub-Seltzer.

Column: Moment of Silence reinstated, side-note during school day

The Newtonite September 15, 2015

by Isabel Joyce Fewer and fewer students can clearly remember the terror of the day four U.S. airplanes were hijacked by members of al-Qaeda and caused the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to crumble....

Students study, recall terrorist attacks

The Newtonite September 30, 2011
by Jacob Schwartz Normally high school students have not experienced the events discussed in their history classes.

Price recollects parent’s death in Flight 93 crash

The Newtonite September 30, 2011
by Hilary Brumberg and Perrin Stein Jean and Don Peterson arrived at the airport early for their flight to San Franisco. They switched to an earlier flight and boarded without mishap. Once the plane took off, its trajectory differed fatally from the planned route.

Students’ memories of September 11 still linger

The Newtonite September 30, 2011
by Amanda Hills and Jacob Schwartz With Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 now 10 years in the past, memories of that day are becoming dimmer and dimmer for the generation of students who are currently in high school.
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