by Jessica Tharaud
Directed by Jubilee teacher Sheldon Reid, the Jubilee Singers energized the crowd during its “One More Time” concert, singing a variety of African and religious music to bring together a diverse audience, last Saturday at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.
As the show opened, the choir filed onstage: girls wore black dresses and boys wore black pants and dress shirts with silver ties. The audience stood for a rendition of a traditional African anthem, “‘Nkosi Sikelel’ Afrika.” The song was performed as a tribute to former South African president Nelson Mandela and showcased the choir’s unity and ability to harmonize together.
In the piece “Jubilee,” written by Reid and Jason A. Hines, senior Joyani Ghosh encouraged everyone to celebrate their differences and to change the world together in her charming solo.
Then, South’s Harambee Gospel Choir took the stage to sing three songs. The newer and smaller group pleased the audience with its brilliant singers briefly before the two groups shared the stage to sing Reid and James Hall’s “One More Time.”
The second half of the concert resumed with senior Hannah Gallogly’s amazing solo in the song “What a Time” written by Tri-Cities Singers. After her performance, the audience went wild with the infectious energy of the song.
Senior Hakule Holmberg displayed her rich, emotional voice as she sang about paying attention to God in “Look to Me,” written by Reid and Adoration ‘N Prayze.
The next song, “Soon Ah Will Be Done,” written by William L. Dawson, offered a change of pace from the rest of the concert. The song’s dynamics made it one of the most interesting to the ear. At the beginning, the song was low in volume and gradually increased before suddenly changing from loud to soft in the chorus. The group succeeded in capturing the happiness of finding Jesus in heaven.
Next came a moving solo by junior Jonathan Gomolka of “We Have Overcome,” written by the Christ Tabernacle Choir. The song praised God for conquering obstacles “by the word, by the blood,” and connected deeply with the audience, receiving shouts of approval and a standing ovation.
For the final song, sophomore Swabira Mayanja floored the audience with her solo in “Watch God Move,” written by the Colorado Mass Choir. Not even half way through the number, the audience stood up and began dancing along. When she finished, the crowd roared. Mayanja’s voice had incredible range and depth, and brought the concert to an exciting close.