- Students are nominated for this incentive program for doing an unexpected act of kindness.
by Samantha Libraty
Keys to Success, this school’s ongoing student incentive program sponsored by the Honda Village Automotive group, awarded 25 students with certificates for doing an unexpected deed, such as helping other students or making progress in class.
The students who won were seniors Carlos Castro, Joselin Garcia, Sam Green, Ilana Greenstein, Paige Grody, Rebecca Jereza, Melissa Levy, Marlon Rainville, Miguel Rivera and Calvin Zhao; juniors Carissa Cedrone, Franklin Lewis, Kevin Ly and Katie Wu; sophomores Christian Fanning, Ezekiel Francisco, Sheela Jacobson, Jordanny Lanisiere, Hannah McInnes, Brianna Richardson, Chris Stots, Abigail Thomas, Liana Visco and Amelia Williams; and freshman Aeryn Kiewicz.
They will each select a variety of available prizes, including gift cards and museum passes donated to the Keys to Success program by local and national businesses.
Senior Ilana Greenstein, a nominee, said that she was nominated because she handed a lost cellphone into the main office.
“I know kids aren’t going out of their way to do good deeds because of the program, but it is nice to know it is there,” she added.
At the end of the year, 25 students will be randomly selected out of the many nominated from this school and South to be finalists. Each finalist will receive a car key, and just one key will unlock a used car worth $5,000, she said.
The student who wins the used car can choose instead to receive a $5,000 scholarship to the college of his or her choice.
Freshmen cannot win the car, but they can be nominated for other regular prizes.