by Alex Feit
This school will hold a Red Cross blood drive Tuesday to raise blood for individuals who may need it in medical procedures.
The blood drive, sponsored and organized by the Pilot Program, will be held in the auditorium on that day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Those who are 17 years old, or 16 with parental permission, and those who meet the height and weight requirements can donate blood, according to special education teacher Katie Cacace, a coordinator of the blood drive.
There, according to Cacace, those donating blood will check in and be given reading material about the process. They will then go over their medical history with a nurse, and after they are confirmed to be able to give blood, they will move to a bed and begin the procedure.
After they are done, they will rest for 15 minutes and eat sugary snacks and juice to regain energy, Cacace said.
“We feel that it is a good community service to donate blood,” Cacace said on behalf of the Pilot Program. “We like to introduce students to donating blood and providing a positive first-time blood donation while they are in high school, and hopefully they will continue to donate throughout their lives.”
Each donation can save up to three lives, Cacace added.
All presenting donors will receive a coupon for a free pound of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.
Riley housemaster Mark Aronson, who donated blood last year, said that it was a fairly simple and painless process for him.
“I thought it was a good thing to do, and I wanted to support the Pilot Program,” Aronson said. “It was pretty easy to do.”
Aronson plans to give blood again this year, he said.
Students can sign up for the blood drive at a counter outside the cafeteria during lunch blocks for the rest of this week.