The second year of combined concerts hosted at North featuring music groups from Bigelow, F. A. Day, and North began with Winterfest I, Jan. 21, and Winterfest II, Jan. 23.
The concerts represent the success of a multi-year effort by the three schools’ music programs, according to Bigelow band and orchestra director Ed Harlow.
“The music teachers of North, Day, and Bigelow have been talking for a long time about how to best encourage middle school students to continue to benefit from music instruction during their high school years,” said Harlow. “We want to be sure that music remains something they carry on into their adult lives.”
According to fine and performing arts department head Todd Young, the concerts provide a valuable glimpse into North’s music curriculum. “These sort of ‘step-up’ concerts are really important as they show the middle school students and their families what ‘lies ahead’ if they stick with their instruments and keep playing in school,” said Young. “It also is a nice community connection.”
Young added that the combined concerts are also intended to motivate the next generation of high school musicians. “We hope that hearing the North groups will be inspirational to them so they say, ‘I want to do that!’ and continue in the program.”
While intentions for combined concerts have existed for years, this year’s Winterfest was the most fully fledged and successful iteration to date, said Young.
Junior Sam Hendrickson, a member of the Wind Ensemble, added, “It was really amazing to play with the middle schools. I don’t know where I would be without the middle school programs, and I was so happy to provide an experience for them that I would have absolutely loved when I was there.”
Following the success of Winterfest, there will be another joint venture at the Jazz Cafe Feb. 11, which will feature jazz musicians from the three schools, and beyond that, there are hopes for even more. “We would like to continue this collaboration,” said Harlow. “I think this experience has definitely broadened their minds.”
According to Young, in terms of joint musical ventures for the school year, Jazz Cafe “will be the last official concert,” but Young and the fine and performing arts department plan to continue building bridges. “The music faculty will also visit the middle schools and ensembles to make more connections and share information,” added Young.