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Senior Awards night celebrates seniors in the theater department

Laughter and cheers erupted from the Lasker Auditorium as North celebrated seniors in the performing arts with Theatre Ink’s annual theater awards Thursday, May 30. 

The awards night started with a montage of the seniors throughout their acting and performing careers, which was followed by a bittersweet speech from Theatre Ink director Adam Brown. Then, awards were given out to all the seniors, each award paired with a heartwarming speech. 

“Tonight, we not only honor the work that you’ve done, but who you are, and how you have affected our community with your commitment, dedication, and love for not only theater but what really makes it special is for one another,” said Brown during his speech. 

The Bryan Max Bernfeld scholarship, a prize recognizing and celebrating North alum Bryan Max Bernfeld was awarded to Senior Audrey Sanger. 

The scholarship awards and recognizes students who are hardworking, considerate, and thoughtful, according to Brown. 

“I feel very honored,” said Sanger. “TheaterInk has been such a huge part of my time here for the last four years, and just to be compared to someone who did so much in TheaterInk and obviously left a huge impact is just so meaningful and amazing to me and I just feel so grateful.”

The awards night left many emotional, bursting into tears as well as smiles.

“These are some of my best friends, so it’s definitely sad that I won’t get to see them every day after school, and what I love to do after school every day with them,” Sanger added.


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