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TedX Club allows North community members to express ideas


North’s new TedX club officially started last October, with the hopes of creating a public platform for students and Newton community members to share their experiences.

Led by junior Aadi Aryan and freshman Aneesha Aryan, the TedX club meets every other Tiger in A207, and plans to hold events highlighting various topics of discussion decided by club members. Their current topic of discussion is human connections.

Aneesha and Aadi Aryan worked over the summer to receive a youth TedX talk license in order to run their club and TedX events.

“We struggled to get a teacher advisor in the beginning of the year due to the union and teachers not wanting to work over hours,” Aneesha Aryan said. “We then realized we can start a club with a parent advisor.”

The first TedX event was held at the auditorium in the Newton Public Library Thursday, March 14.

“Our event is at the library this time but in the future we’d like to bring it to North,” Aneesha Aryan said.

Aneesha Aryan added that the club has recruited six speakers already, including students, faculty, alumni, parents, and one club member who has a backup speech prepared. The club hopes to recruit more members by hanging posters around the school.

“I think our goal of the club relates to the theme of the event, it’s really supposed to just give students and faculty an opportunity to speak about anything they’re passionate about,” said freshman Addy Tija, a member of the TedX club.

According to Tija, there are no constraints to which students, faculty members, alumni, or community members can speak, but the club is in the process of setting up a leadership panel meant to fact check specific information shared by speakers.

“I think it’s a really good idea because everyone’s listened to a Ted Talk once in their life,” Tija said. “Giving the opportunity to high schoolers to speak about whatever they want is important and I’m interested to hear what they speak about.”

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Shonali Sen
Shonali Sen, News Editor
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