Lost and Found empowers the voices of BIPOC students
Audience members begin to wave lights during All Of Me.
February 6, 2023
Lost and Found amplified the voices of students of color and presented a variety of performances. Directed by seniors Margot Carmona-Born, Hillary Mukasa, and Catia Schiff, the cabaret-style show ran from Jan. 19-21 in the Little Theatre.
Introducing the audience to the performances, Theatre Ink Director Adam Brown described Lost and Found as “not shows, but experiences.”
The first act opened with sophomore Jonathan Santos’ performance of Heaven by Todrick Hall, an uplifting song outlined with hopes for change. Santos’ rendition of the song in combination with the soft piano accompaniment provided audiences with feelings of optimism and hope.
Following the song came junior Myles Lee’s performance of Smoke Across A Strawberry Sky by Ericdoa. The piece was a slow, blues-like song about being in love.
“Just trying to remember it on the spot with all the lights and the people was challenging,” said Lee.
After Lee’s performance came We Are Children, a powerful poem addressing everyday racism written and performed by senior Annyka Saint Preux. The poem inspired audience members to fight for racial equality by highlighting racial disparities in our society.
A highlight was John Legend’s All Of Me, performed by Santos, seniors Makayla Campbell, Hillary Mukasa, and junior Surya Gopal. During the song, audience members were prompted by the performers to take their phone flashlights and wave them around, creating a serene environment.
“I thought it was a classic thing in performances for someone to start waving lights, so that made it feel very put-together,” said freshman Chloe Bruce, an audience member.
The first act came to a close with Anxious Dreaming, an original song written and performed by Schiff. The song was a moving composition about the anxiety that comes with big expectations.
“There’s a lot that contributed to it. I have terrible nightmares and terrible anxiety, and oftentimes my anxiety will manifest in dreams,” said Schiff. “ I almost never talk about it, but I guess I realized how much of myself is reflected in them.”
The second act opened with Meet Me Where I Stand, an upbeat and jazzy song with a fun melody, written and performed by Gopal. The piece highlighted Lost and Found’s talented band, which consisted of Gopal, Lee, junior ZZ Sayeed, and sophomore Oscar Bohnenkamp.
Not Your Asian, performed by seniors Sophia Murphy and Anjali Yadavalli, was a powerful original poem that addressed common Asian stereotypes and microaggressions. The piece shared the message that “to be Asian does not define us, but we define what it means to be Asian.”
The cabaret-style performance ended with African Invasion, an exciting dance choreography arranged and performed by Campbell, Mukasa, and seniors Hidaya Bukenya, Maia Travares, and Isioma Udemagwuna. Audience members cheered on and clapped along as the cast danced to several upbeat songs.
“I’m so proud of everyone in the cast, and I hope they’re also proud of themselves,” said Schiff.