Nitrous Oxide Preview

(photo from Theatre Ink)

(photo from Theatre Ink)

Leah Ziskin

Nitrous Oxide promises laughter for all those who attend through cast-written comedic sketches Feb. 10-12 at 7:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre.


Directed by seniors Luka Ross and Sam Braithwaite, the show is composed of skits written by cast members which focus on finding humor in everyday student life.


“Not a lot of high schools do that, I think that it’s really cool that we are all able to write and see all the work that we’ve done together be put on stage,” said Ross.


Unlike other Theatre Ink performances, the show is made up of many skits, some connected, some not. Each skit offers a unique message to the audience, instead of one big climax that is present in a play or musical.


“I don’t think that there is one sketch that is the highlight. I think that all of them are very, very different and throughout the show the audience will be feeling many different emotions, and laughing for different reasons,” said Ross.


This year, the directors focused on creating a strong community within the cast. “Our goal was to build a community where we are all friends and we can all explore, write, and bounce off of one another,” said Ross. “I feel like we have really built a family community with the show.”


According to freshman Eliza Kane, a cast member, coming to rehearsal every day and working with the cast was the highlight of the process for her. However, she hopes audience members are drawn in by the comedy. 


“Nitrous has made me laugh every time I go, so I hope that it does the same for the audience,” said Kane.


Braithwaite added that he hopes the audience will connect to the parody of real life events included in the script. “I think comedy always affords people the opportunity to reflect on their lives,” he said.


Overall, Nitrous Oxide is an opportunity for audience members to appreciate the value of comedy and relieve themselves from outside distractions.


“It’s an hour and a half where you are free of stress, where you’re free of anything beyond the Little Theatre. You can just feel engrossed in the performances,” said Braithwaite.