- Italian teacher David Master leads the new songwriting club, which is held Monday X-block.
by Fatema Zaidi
Sitting around a table, a small group of students talk with Italian teacher David Master about their favorite kind of music.
The Learning Commons has introduced a new opportunity for students interested in songs and their lyrics—a songwriting club that takes place every Monday X-block.
According to Master, the purpose of this club is to be a seminar for aspiring songwriters in which they can safely share their influences and ideas.
As for how he plans to teach songwriting, Master says it is something that can be shown, not taught.
“Someone once told me that in a well-written song, ‘Don’t tell me, show me.’ And I guess that’s how I teach songwriting.”
Master plans on presenting his own songs, though he does not plan on them being the focus of the club, he said.
“I will show my own songs but mostly other artists’ songs that I deem as great, and I want to explain why they are good, well-written songs that are relevant to our culture and society.”
Passion for songwriting is the main reason Master decided to start the club, he said.
“I’m passionate about eating, but I’m more passionate about eating in company—it’s the same thing with songwriting.
“I’ve been songwriting for as long as I can remember. I find songwriting a way to capture and understand a moment in all its complexities and simplicities,” Master said.
Senior Alexandra Pini, one of the members of the club, joined because she hopes to learn, “how to funnel my writing skills into a whole new musical realm,” she said.
Master asked the students to bring a song to the next meeting that they think has beautiful lyrics and inspired them to write.
Pini said she is looking forward to what everyone has to share.
“So far I can tell it’s going to be a really chill time with really passionate people.
“I can tell that each member loves music for what it is, and I’m looking forward to sharing this common interest with them,” Pini said.
“If you love music and love to write, then you should definitely come take a look. We all have so much to learn from each other, so why waste your time being a loner? In the wise words of Bob Marley, ‘let’s get together and feel alright,’” Pini added.