by Nichol Weylman-Farwell and Sophia Zhou
Tiger Question: What are some memorable April Fools’ Day pranks you have seen or done?
“My first year teaching, for one of my classes, all the students turned their desks around-they put them around the front of the room and had them facing the back of the board and I was like ‘What’s happening?’”
—English teacher Kara DiNuccio
“My favorite [prank], was at South, when they put a bunch of cupcakes on the staircase and people could just go and grab one. “
—sophomore Kyla Barbosa
“So when I was in sixth grade, my science teacher Mr. Gresser, put like a cup on the top of the door, so when somebody opened it, it would come out and the cup was full of confetti, so it would splash all over the person. It was really funny.”
—freshman Darcy Rougeaux
“I have a friend who really does not like spicy foods, so I put a little bit of spice in her food when she wasn’t looking.”
—freshman Sammy Yang
“One year, my parents put toilet paper over the door frame. A couple years later, I tried to get back them by doing the same.”
—freshman Alex Wymer