Summer seems far away, and adding just one day to a long break seems minimal. For some, a snow day is a great break from school, but we must always remember that snow days are called when there is a safety concern.
Snow days give students much-needed breaks. Some people just prefer to get the school year over with, and rush through with no breaks. However, breaks are helpful in a school year. Instead of tests and essays, for one day, you can sleep in and take a day off. Weekends are busy for many students, and breaks and vacations, as well, which means that the only time one can really have a truly free day is a snow day.
Overworked students and teachers alike love a day off. The fact that snow days are unexpected makes them so much better. Instead of going to school and having work, students can relax for a day.
Although snow days might seem like a perfect break, the superintendent only calls them when there is a safety concern. Though the snow on your trees may look pretty, it can actually be deadly, and in some cases the negatives of snow storms outweigh the positives. Fallen snow can cause downed power lines, which lead to hours or days for families without power. So even if snow days seem fun, some families may be without power.
In many respects, Snow days are much like the days off we received for October’s Hurricane Sandy. Many residents lost power for three or four days, and hundreds died from the weather, while other were unaffected. While deaths from snow and blizzards are unlikely, storms can be dangerous, and a day off might not be such a vacation for all students and faculty.
Although there may be some negatives to snow days, sometimes a snow day is in the right place at the right time.
Column: Snow days keep students safe
January 7, 2013
by Connor Vasu
As winter approaches, the perennial debate on snow days draws nearer.
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