Directed Studies are wasted periods.
This school should allow students to sign in at the beginning and end of a Directed Study, so they can meet with teachers and go to the Library Learning Commons or computer lab without passes.
The problem with Directed Studies is that often students who want to get work done cannot because they do not have textbooks or computer access. This leads to people talking with their friends, which drives up the volume for those that have work they can do during Directed Study, like a math worksheet.
In an improved Directed Study format, student would not need passes to leave because currently, if students forget to get the necessary signatures, then they are stuck in the study with nothing to do, and they end up distracting everyone in the room.
Some would assert that giving underclassmen a free period in which they are not accountable to any faculty member would decrease productivity. However, given a free, students would be able to complete their work more effectively because they would have resources from the Learning Commons or computer lab.
Teachers would also benefit from a new Directed Study format because instead of having to control dozens of students, they could have a free period to do their work and assist students. Not having to call dozens of names every study would only increase time and productivity for teachers.
Students who have work are hampered by the Directed Study system, and students who do not have work are stuck wasting 55 minutes. A new format for underclassmen studies would benefit all students and teachers stuck in Directed Study.