What if students did homework at school, and took notes at home?
Some schools have adopted this approach using Khan Academy, a non-profit website.
Students and teachers should use internet resources such as Khan Academy and another non-profit website, Technology Entertainment Design (TED).
Sometimes, students just do not understand a particular topic. They ask the teacher and their peers for help, but they do not “get it.” One of the ways these students can “get it” is to go to Khan Academy, which provides over 3,000 educational videos ranging from algebra to civics.
In a classroom, the teacher has to move at a pace that the majority of students benefit from. This forces some slower learners to speed up their pace, while forcing quicker learners to slow down.
Instead, students can learn at their own pace with Khan Academy videos. Students can pause the lesson and do practice problems if they are struggling. Students can also challenge themselves by viewing videos ahead of the curriculum.
Similarly, TED showcases informative and sometimes entertaining educational videos, such as one about Sixth Sense, which is a computer at one’s fingertips. This is a topic not usually taught in school, so the video is an informative way to learn outside of the classroom.
Most students do not go home and rave about science to their parents, but this video and other TED videos are so entertaining and informative that they do just that. Instead of notes about a science topic, a related TED video can help students process information in a new way.
So when students are struggling with a topic or want to go above and beyond, they should go to Khan Academy or TED to help them. No matter the level, all should utilize internet resources to further learning in the classroom.